Monday, January 7, 2008

Alsace house postcards

These are two old postcards of the Obrecht home in Kunheim from Jacob Obrecht's papers. Any context or clues to dates, locations, or people are greatly appreciated. Please leave a comment if you can help.

"L. Obrecht" is probably Lilly, who may be the daughter of Jacob's brother Mathias.

The older postcard:

"To Mister Jakob Obrecht and Family

Kunheim, September 17, 1912

Dear Jakob, we send you the [image of the] house of your parents
it [the image] could be better, but we hope you will enjoy it.
We own it for already one year.
We greet you all from all our hearts. Obrecht family

It is raining for almost 2 months.
This will give us a lot to do.
We have nothing to pick, all was frozen latest Winter,
except for apples, that we will get fairly.
damage that grandmother can send nothing to you

We greet you all from all our hearts. L. Obrecht"

The newer postcard:

"The House of Mathias Obrecht in Kunheim"

[Thanks, Charles for the translations (link, link, & link)!]

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